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Bienvenue à toi ! Que tu sois guerrier, sage, marchand ou forgeron, Orlanthi, Praxien, Pavisite ou Solaire, viens festoyer à la droite d'Orlanth et d'Elmal !

(Hey, the man from Wichita, why don't you introduce yourself ? I keep seeing your IP here.)
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Bienvenue à toi ! Que tu sois guerrier, sage, marchand ou forgeron, Orlanthi, Praxien, Pavisite ou Solaire, viens festoyer à la droite d'Orlanth et d'Elmal !

(Hey, the man from Wichita, why don't you introduce yourself ? I keep seeing your IP here.)
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 Crédits, droits et fan policy d'Issaries

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Nombre de messages : 2
Date d'inscription : 22/01/2008

Crédits, droits et fan policy d'Issaries Empty
MessageSujet: Crédits, droits et fan policy d'Issaries   Crédits, droits et fan policy d'Issaries Icon_minipostedJeu 31 Jan 2008 - 19:47

Ce forum héberge une partie en ligne d'Herowars qui se déroule sur le monde de Glorantha, tous deux propriétés d'Issaries Inc.

All proprietary material owned by Issaries, Inc., and all material incorporating or making derivative use of proprietary material owned by Issaries, Inc. is used only pursuant to the terms of a revokable license from Issaries, Inc.

Glorantha is the creation of Greg Stafford. Greg Stafford and Issaries, Inc., reserve the right to use any Gloranthan names, places, and concepts, from any Original Material, in any future Gloranthan development or publications, without further credit or payment.

All material in this work is unofficial. Greg Stafford and Issaries, Inc. assume no responsibility for the work's Original Material, nor accredit its validity or accuracy. Greg Stafford and Issaries, Inc. make no guarantee that they will use or acknowledge this material in any way, and may contradict it in future development and publications.

I agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Issaries, Inc., Greg Stafford, and their employees, contractees, and licensees from any and all claims arising from my unauthorized usage of any copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property not owned by Issaries, Inc. Glorantha, Glorantha Trading Association, Sartar Rising, Imperial Lunar Handbook, Lords of the West, and Odyssey of Terror are the trademarks of Issaries, Inc. HeroQuest, Hero Wars, RuneQuest, and Issaries are the registered trademarks of Issaries, Inc.

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